Spring 2025
There are awesome reasons to be part of the YC Soccer Club: our programming is nationally recognized, voted North Americas MLS Community MVP Champions and National US Youth Soccer volunteer of the year. We have earned 156 Presidential Service awards over the last 4 years for volunteerism, including 3 Life Time Achievement Awards. We have been the Oregon State Volunteers of the year twice, and we are still the only certified Vision Training Soccer Club in Oregon. Having fun, individual development and giving back are all #1 at YCSC and we are “Building Community through the Love of the Game”. Our goal is to provide a place for every child to grow and be part of their community.
Register NOW for Spring Soccer Programs starting late February & early March 🤩
Friday Night Small-sided (SS) Games Program
PreK-5th grade $50. *
Level I, II & III start March 3rd
Level IV starts March 4th
Level V/REC Teams Late February TBD
Vision Training & REC Teams
Level IV & V SS / Champions Club players, playing 6V6 & 7V7 in Mac Parks and Rec (registration Deadline 2/9)
Saturday Games at Joe Dancer Park, McMinnville. Register through YCSC to be on a Yamhill/Carlton Team. Select Friday Night Games Program & select/or note interest in the $25 Rec add on. ALL players at this level will be required to attend “Vision Training” and demonstrate skills for successful team play. Includes 2 SS practices, 1-2 Team sessions/scrimmages, Friday Night Games and 8 Rec Games (Most Sat AM)
($75. SS & REC team)*
6th-8th Advanced Girls playing 11V11 in the Willamette Valley Classic League Start Wed March 4th
6th-8th Grade Boys Team playing 11V11 in the Willamette Valley Classic League Start Wed March 4th
Registration Deadline to assure place on team is March 2nd
Games in Salem at Capital FC Facility Aril 12-June 8th $80 * (We try our best to provide flexible scheduling/accommodations for multi-sport athletes.)
Please note: We include players in additional team play opportunities where they will have the best prospect for growth regardless of age. If you need scholarship help, pleas contact Coach Karen directly & also make a note under "special payment requests" on the registration form. If your have questions about your player, please contact Coach Karen 503-519-2591
THANK YOU for supporting your players athletic development and community involvement! Coach Karen 503-519-2591 ycsoccercub@gmail.com
“Building Community through the Love of the Game ❤ ”.